Bak­ing Breads 

Mau­ris in erat jus­to. Null­am ac urna eu felis dapi­bus con­di­men­tum sit amet a augue. Sed non neque elit. 


1 tab­les­poon plus

1 teas­poon acti­ve dry yeast.

1 cup who­le milk, hea­ted to 110°F.

2 to 2 1/2 cups (320 to 400 grams) bread flour.

1 teas­poon pure vanil­la extract.

3 lar­ge egg yolks.

2 tab­les­poons (30 grams) super­fi­ne sugar.

1/2 teas­poon table salt.

Calo­ries: 579cal

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on: 2hours